Any make I should avoid?
My fridge now freezes as well as the freezer
Very old (like its owner)
Hate shopping so need decent capacity and to have present appliance removed
Turn the thermostat on the fridge down Daisy.(little dial) You may have inadvertently moved it if you have been wiping it down. 0 is off the high numbers make it colder. So choose a lower number on the dial.
Tried that Togo
Thermostat seems to have packed up
Have a fridge/freezer thermometer and although the freezer is ok the fridge does not respond to changes on the fridge dial
If here is a John Lewis within easy reach - have a look there for ideas. The fridges they stock are good quality and the staff are usually very good at finding one to suit price and the features you want. They will usually take your old one away - there maybe an extra charge for this.
Initially, you can browse their site:-
If looking at units in other retailers near to you (e.g. currys, argos independents etc) i suggest you look at Bosch, AEG and Beko in your price range for quality and the features that you want. You may be able to get a deal on delivery/ install and removal of your old one.
Note : check the insulation in each appliance you are considering. The more insulation, the less it will cost to run. I once went from using a huge ex-shop freezer at 50p a day ( yes ! true ! ) to a heavily-insulated family freezer at less than 2p a day.