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Revenge Of The Young

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sp1814 | 17:27 Fri 09th Jun 2017 | News
32 Answers
It's being bandied about on the evening news (about ten minutes ago), that this shock hung parliament is down to young people voting 'against Brexit', to make up for the fact that they couldn't get their act together last year.

Do you think there's any truth in that?

I ask, because all (literally ALL) the twenty-somethings I've talked to at work today have said that this was the primary factor in their voting.


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I said this to one of the anti-Brexit kids at work - "It's all well and good you protesting now, but that's just balls, because you wouldn't have had to protest if you'd put down your joint, pulled on a pair of trousers and voted last year.
Tilly2, yes i do.. people with and without, but like i did, made their off spring go out and work, i lead by example, many many yrs ago, i had nothing..but a knack with mechanics and engineering, not brilliant but
i took that knowledge with me to further education and it took a long time and hard work, physically and mentally, i pushed myself and was working at the same time..yes a job, i have never looked back. shear bloody hard work...
that this shock hung parliament is down to young people voting 'against Brexit', to make up for the fact that they couldn't get their act together last year.

Maybe, but never mind they should have gone out and voted remain last year. But they didn't so it's brexit Yipee.
^ :o)
If it proved true it would indicate that they were still too childish to be voting. Surely all those you spoke to weren't admitting to that ?
I don't believe that the hung parliament was solely down to the young vote.

It was certainly one factor but there were many reasons that the Conservatives ended up losing seats.

The Tory campaign, as admitted by many of their own MP's, was simply disastrous.

I won't mention which aspects as they have been oft repeated enough.
Perhaps had we been a better example to the younger generation.....had our politicians been worth listening to and more importantly, respecting, the young folk would have been more interested and engaged pre the referendum.....x
yes I think there is something in that SP. brexit was a wake up call for the saucepans, fresh out of brainwashing by lefty teachers they probably could not comprehend how anyone could vote against the EUSSR. This time they made sure they voted, perhaps it's spurred the little darlings into action for all future elections too. Of course the promise of free stuff paid for by other peoples money probably helped too. Of course it did not help that the PM ran a risible campaign full of own goals, upsetting the grey vote for example.
Two young neighbours (bot at university) said they and others voted solely because of Corbyn's statement that he would abolish student fees.
Well, it's a start at least.

I think it true that the Conservative Party has become divorced from a mass of young people.Quite what we Tories do about that I am not sure. Buying their votes with populist policies is not the answer and think Labour did just that. Labour introduced tuition fees and, gee whizz, they're now agin' them. But, sadly, I really don't feel that many 16-year-olds are as informed about British politics as they should be to make objective judgements and therefore am unenthusiastic about giving them the vote. That is absolutely not their fault. It is ours, that is to say the older generations.

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