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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:25 Sat 08th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Saturday. Another nice day on it's way. I' on the canal all day, so sunshine should bring in some customers. Therefore I shall be away at seven, got to take the snowflake to mum and dads daughter for the day, it wouldn't be fair to take her with me all day.

T'internet still playing silly games, so if I disappear it's not me.

The Brits are doing well at wumblybum.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning all.
I'd like to say I'm up with the lark but I've not seen or heard one in years.
Morning Chip xx me neither..don't think ..

There is life after all, boilers just fired-up so someone's hit the shower earlier than I thought they would.
quick open window and shh out the bacon smells ! ;0)
Good morning, coffee please, quietly.

None in 'til we shop later minty

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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