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What Is An Orthodontist?

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10ClarionSt | 15:01 Sat 15th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Is it a Jewish dentist? My 9 yr old granddaughter asked me this. Er, well no, darling. It isn't.


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They ask you some belters don't they? It's all good.

My BIL, the one in Australia is one.
Bright child!
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Just out of curiosity, how did she know it was The Jewish Quarter?
I don't know if she knew or worked on the word itself, but as Prestwich has a population that is made up of 19% Jewish you are clear which area you are in unless driving when the streets are deserted.
It's easy to spot Hasidic Jews or anyone wearing a kippah, Baldric.
^^^ Hacidic
Oops, right the first time :-(
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What Is An Orthodontist?

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