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Is It Hot...

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cupid04 | 12:40 Sun 16th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Or am I having multiple hot flushes?


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Could be both.
12:43 Sun 16th Jul 2017
Could be both.
where are you? In the oven?
Not hot here. Just warm..
Question Author
I'm in Southend.
It's deceptively hot here. Overcast, no baking sunshine, but I had a shower a short while ago, and feel drenched in perspiration now. Humid.

'tis only 25° in K-diner, cool by recent standards
Question Author
I'm sitting at laptop with patio doors open. There is no breeze and I'm sweating ;-(
I think it's heavy hot, Cupid.......this temperature would be lovely with blue skies and a little breeze......not this grey sky mugginess.....

I'm sure all the muck we send into the atmosphere is getting its own back.... :-(
wishful thinking here !

Everything wide open, still 25° indoors. no air movement at all
It's quite muggy here but not sunny. There is a strange mist over the hills from the sea which can be a sign of a good day tomorrow (N Devon)
Been sticky here this afternoon - and not in a good way :(

I am considering buying a portable aircon unit - that should get the weather to break ...
its hot grey and sticky here :(
We are completely shrouded in sea fog now - can't even see the other side of the village.
After a dull morning, been very sunny here in Dundee this afternoon.
I asked the very same question myself Cupid...Very muggy today here in s.west.
Oi cupes, what is it with you and multiples ;-)

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