I hate eye tests more than the dentist. Sitting in the dark while the optician is breathing down your neck looking through his little light thing.
And having to decide which lens works better - I have no idea! My eyes have gone funny through lots of different lenses in quick succession. Everything is flipping blurred!
And the optician switching the lenses back and forth again does not help, so I feel forced to make a lucky guess.
Or unlucky, if I've chosen the wrong ones!
And don't mention the frames. By the time I've gone through the test I've lost all interest, feel flustered and my face is beetroot coloured. I do not want to spend half an hour trying on different frames that I can't see on my face anyway - because I need my glasses to see!
And then the bill. Deep joy. Deep pockets.
It's no wonder you have two different prescriptions after all the stress of the test.