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Casserole Weather

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ethandron | 18:26 Fri 22nd Sep 2017 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
It's that time of year again isn't it, comforting stews and casseroles bunged in the oven.
I've been having a look through the freezer and found some packs of venison, and beef, so on Sunday I'm going to chuck one or the other in a big pot with a load of carrots and any other veg hanging around, and leave it simmering gently all day. Should do us a couple of days.
Any suggestions for making it extra tasty?


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Just found a jar of picked walnuts in the cupboard, think it'll be the venison, yum.
Somewhere in the depths of my recipe collection is a recipe for venison and chestnut casserole. Will try and dig it out, failing that autumnal fruits go well.

Bouef Bourgingnon is always a fall back for me, Keith Floyd had a fab recipe which I would guess is available on line.
With venison marinade overnight in port juniper berries and rosemary then use the marinade as the cooking liquid.
Add real ale to the beef.
I would go port, juniper, garlic, coriander seeds, and for an interesting veg, daikon, if you can get hold of it, otherwise a little horseradish for some pow!
Red wine, bay leaves or bouquet garni, square of dark choc, whole spices including cinnamon, nutmeg and mace blades, tsp marmite. Roll on winter !!
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Thanks people, think it might end up a combination of a few of your suggestions.
A good slug of HP sauce !
"Casserole weather"???

The forecast for Sunday is 22C in London!

Anyway . . .
beef stock, red wine, onions, mushrooms, red and green peppers and something to give it bit of 'zip', such as smoked paprika or even some chilli powder.
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I find HP sauce too overwhelming Mikey, but thanks for the suggestion.
Chris, it's not exactly casserole weather here today either but it's too late now, the venison is quietly marinating in port, Guinness and herbs. I'm sure it'll go down a treat whatever the weather on Monday.
Add some paprika and make it a pseudo goulash.
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You've just reminded me Danny, I have a portion of goulash in the freezer, that's another beef stew thing I'd forgotten about.
Goulash, beef bourginon, carbonade, venison marinaded with lovely things and cooked with chestnuts or pickled walnuts, plenty of suggestions/reminders to make.
Many thanks everyone.

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