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Caran | 00:13 Wed 27th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Things have changed again on this site. There used to be a link to the next post at the start and end of each post. Now it's just at the start so if you have looked at all the postings now you have to scroll back up to the start to get the link.
A right pain.


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Well one of us is imagining things (or maybe it's just because we're using different browsers). I can see a link to the post before this one (it's mine!) ABOVE the answer box I'm typing in now AND above the 'Related Questions' section BELOW.
Same as Caran, but I'm currently on a very old lappy, W2000 and Chrome browser.
When I'm back indoors I'll check using more modern equipment.
Make that XP, version 2002.

(I knew 2000 came into it somewhere ;-)
This is what I'm seeing on my screen when I scroll down this thread:
(There's obviously only a link in one direction, as this is the most recent thread)
Agree with Chris - the links to next/previous threads have always been just at the top below the OP in the thread you're looking at.
.... oops and at the very bottom too.
Well they are at top and bottom, but I never use this. Why would you?
I'm with Carson, the link to the next/previous thread has disappeared from under the last post. I'm using Safari on my iPad.
Carson? Caran.
Still visible at the bottom on my mobile, on both Chrome and Brave browsers

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