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What An Evening!!

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Caran | 23:53 Mon 23rd Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Best friend taken to hospital this morning. Chest infection, sweats , shakes etc. Phoning all day to find how he is. Eventually get his wife tonight, he is home but as they walked in the door they realised the house was flooded,
A tap had been running since they left for hospital at 9.30 am until they came home at 6.30 pm. We went round with our carpet shampooer that would suck up water. We sucked up from 8.45 until 11.15. When her daughter and son came with an industrial suckerup thing.
I know how they feel we have been flooded twice since we moved here.
It's the most horrendous feeling.



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I hope your friend is OK. I have just come out of hospital after 3 weeks with something similar. Fell down at home and couldn't get up so it was an ambulance job. Once in hospital I found that I could not sit up in bed nor stand up without the assistance of two nurses lest I fell again. The junior doctors ascribed this to my smoking and drinking habits, which was a load of proverbial. I was also told that I 'might' have a bit of a chest infection. Fortunately a no-nonsense lady consultant came to see me and let slip that this 'bit of a chest infection' was called pneumonia!
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Jackdaw, I really hope you are all right now, does not sound good at all.
What a year - knocked down in February, flood from bathroom - water went into back bedroom, onto stairs and into kitchen ceiling soaking the kitchen, brother died in September - I am hoping that is my lot of 3s. You know everything comes in 3s.
But you're home now Jackdaw - upwards and onwards - or so they say.
I'm much better than I was. My main problem is getting from my chair to my feet and walking. My legs are so swollen and painful that it is a real struggle at times. Sitting or lying down, I am fine.
To all having a bad time, I hope things improve soon. X
Well done Caren. A friend in need. We all need one at some time. I've been one and needed one.

I hope your friend is getting better now. xxx
I'm keeping everything crossed that we are out of a bad 3 months. May - Mr J2 had cancerous lump removed from arm (plaster-care etc.)
June - he had a (what turned out to be minor) heart-attack - lots of follow-ups
July - he put up steps carelessly and fell from attic entrance all the way to the bottom of the stairs. Broken rib, massive bruising, much blood from almost sliced-off chunk of skull.

Think we're OK now. You were a friend in need, indeed, Caran. I don't know what I'd have done without friends and neighbours. Bad patches happen.

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