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1ozzy | 03:25 Tue 31st Oct 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
..Insomniacs loitering in chatterbank?


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I was just off to bed (early for me, at a quarter to four) when I saw your post. Having removed a cat from my knee, so that I could go to bed, I've now sat down again (and reacquired the cat) so that I can type a reply. So hows life in upside-down-land then?
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Things are good thanks Chris.

Now that moggy has re-settled you may never get to bed.

How's things up top?
I'm used to being bossed about by cats. With four of them to slave away for, I simply assume that I'll get very little sleep. (I doubt that I've had more than two hours of continuous sleep at any time in the past three years without being woken by a cat miaowing at me, jumping on me, jumping off me or simply sending something crashing to the floor).

Life's very quiet for me at the moment but I'll definitely be going out somewhere later on in order to avoid all the trick-or-treating kids.
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Don't blame you, Mrs Oz has decorated the front verandah with cobwebs and has her witch outfit ready ( didn't take it well when I said the outfit wasn't required). I'll be "outback with lagers" so as to miss all the fun
Well choose an image, then, Eleena!

This one,perhaps?
I did Buen ... ;0)
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//Goodbye Ruby Tuesday//

Well, I've had a gem of a day ;-)
Good for you lozzy! My gem of a day is just beginning.

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