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Spicerack | 02:11 Wed 01st Nov 2017 | News
18 Answers

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The expression ‘a broken clock is right TWICE a day’ is the common saying. So it is a misquote rather than a maths problem. But it is still proof yhat she is an idiot.
08:39 Wed 01st Nov 2017
Is she real? Maybe she get in touch with Trump, they would make an awesome team, and an endless supply of jokes.
She's so far up herself she has no concept of reality.
I suspect a spoof account. The registered name seems an odd choice for a real deal.
So she’s not good at figures. Can’t see what the problem is. I mean, it’s not as if Corbyn, given the chance, will appoint her as Chancellor or anything like that. Just as Home Secretary in charge of the nation’s security. :o/

That’s a very old photograph she’s using.
to be fair if it is showing a 24 hour clock ...then she is quite right...
OG, the account was verified as being hers.

Some folk like try to pull others apart as it makes them feel superior.

If she was talking about digital clocks, then she is correct.
Maybe she doesn't do analogue clocks. Perhaps she only learnt to tell the time on a 24hr clock!
The expression is in common usage. She does seem to be losing the plot somewhat.
Shadow Home Secretary brilliantly updates archaic idiom for modern age.
lol Jim !! indeedy !!
Perhaps she has a 25 or 30 hour clock? Or thinks they stop when she isn't looking at them. :))
It could explain why she wants to take the UK back to the 70s -- then her clock might finally be right?
Clocks do stop when you aren't looking at them. Never suddenly looked at the clock and noticed it takes a while for the seconds hand to realise and move on ?

Time comes in quanta, which is why the state of everything has to be recreated each time; and the minutes and hours hands position appear to be about right.
The expression ‘a broken clock is right TWICE a day’ is the common saying. So it is a misquote rather than a maths problem. But it is still proof yhat she is an idiot.
yes gromit and the Labour party would make her home sec!
I've never looked at "Twitter" before now. I've only been told what various people have "Tweeted". Having read the first few posts of the "hackneyabbott" drivel I'll not rush to see anything on it again. Is this really what people spend their time doing?
... said NJ, without a hint of irony.
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Know what you mean, Jim. ;)

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