can one of you computer buffs tell me how to create a link from a website so i can email it to my phone. Thanks as usual PS i'm using google chrome and windows 10 if its any help
Open your email on pc. Go to your send facility. In a separate tab open the site you want. Copy the url at the top of the page beginning https or http. Paste it into your email send in the other tab. Send it to yourself. Open your email on phone and the link should be there.
Paul just a question. Do you know how to copy and paste?
To copy... Right click the url and it should go blue. From the menu that drops select copy. You have now captured the url.
Now to paste it in your email place the cursor in your message facility and again right click. Choose copy from the drop down menu. The url will appear.
When you copy the url always make sure you captured it all. You may meed to run your pointer along the url from right to left if it is a long one. You can also shorten urls for face book and other sites that will not handle a full url.
thanks togo, ive done it now as i was given option on facebook mobile to save website also i do know the theory of copy and paste, sometimes it works other times it doesn't. i've never managed to copy anything to this siteas yet but thats a problem for another day
You should have no trouble posting links to AB Paul. Always have the site you want to copy the url from in a separate tab. You can also post the urls from YouTube to here. Just have the song playing, then copy the url as before and paste it in the answer box. Same goes for any site paste the Url in the answer box. ALWAYS IN A NEW LINE AT THE BEGINNING. Give it a go whilst we are playing. :))
Ok Paul. I wasn't being condescending when I posted the method, I know that some folk struggle a bit with it, as we all did when we first tried it. I always have bother doing it from my phone, which is not often. Sometimes I need to do it when texting family and so on and always break out in a sweat. Haha.