News0 min ago
When Changing Car
We have just had to change our car,the old one has gone to the scrapyard.What happens now?Will they let the DVLA know as we need to cancel road tax payments(paid monthly) and tax the new car or can I do it right away.Insurance already sorted.Sorry to sound a bit stupid but my husband went to the scrapyard and didn't really find out properly plus he doesn't remember things like he used to,I suppose I should have gone with him.
So can some kind person enlighten me.Thank you.
So can some kind person enlighten me.Thank you.
Link here:- https:// www. gov. uk/ sold- bought- vehicle
06:27 Sun 10th Dec 2017
That's correct. You can also contact DVLA on their website.
https:/ /www.go vernmen t/organ isation s/drive r-and-v ehicle- licensi ng-agen cy
You'd be very wise to contact DVLA yourself "just in case" the scrapman doesn't. Unless you know it's completely unusable, some toerag could use it and you could find yourself with parking fines/speeding tickets etc. Even if it's useless it still has number plates which could be stuck on another vehicle. It's many years ago but our (then) next-door-neighbour changed his car and his old one was used to "do" a bank. Don't trust anybody.
Link here:-
https:/ /www.go ld-boug ht-vehi cle
Thank all for replies.
Just looked at the piece of the log book (section 9) that the Recycling centre gave us back all signed etc.He has underlined the DVLA address on the back,so this means we will send to DVLA ourselves.Honestly,my other half never listens properly!!!! That is also have to send sections 1-8 of car we have purchased to DVLA,now at the bottom (SECTION 8)it says we have to sign,obviously,but that the old keeper has to can we manage THAT??? We purchased from a Motor Dealer.
Just looked at the piece of the log book (section 9) that the Recycling centre gave us back all signed etc.He has underlined the DVLA address on the back,so this means we will send to DVLA ourselves.Honestly,my other half never listens properly!!!! That is also have to send sections 1-8 of car we have purchased to DVLA,now at the bottom (SECTION 8)it says we have to sign,obviously,but that the old keeper has to can we manage THAT??? We purchased from a Motor Dealer.
He didn`t..looked at the link you sent me Dannyk and followed it but not helping.says:
"The person you bought the vehicle from should post the log book (V5C) to DVLA or use the online service to tell them that you’re the new keeper.
If you don’t receive a new log book within 6 weeks, you can register your vehicle yourself.
If the seller gives you the log book
Fill in Section 6 of the log book with your name and address, then post it to DVLA."
Yes the seller(Motor Trader) gave me the log book but did not sign but above just says send SECTION 6 to DVLA,no mention of old keeper signing.???????
"The person you bought the vehicle from should post the log book (V5C) to DVLA or use the online service to tell them that you’re the new keeper.
If you don’t receive a new log book within 6 weeks, you can register your vehicle yourself.
If the seller gives you the log book
Fill in Section 6 of the log book with your name and address, then post it to DVLA."
Yes the seller(Motor Trader) gave me the log book but did not sign but above just says send SECTION 6 to DVLA,no mention of old keeper signing.???????
Right...we have the new keepers slip cos he gave us the whole log book..from which I can gather we have to fill in Section 1 as the new keeper and send to DVLA but it is the fact that there is no signature in Section 8 for the Registered Keeper,who is not ,of course,the name on the log book as the car went to a Motor Dealer.Surely they ,MD,should have known they were to sign it.????