My portable blue-tooth speaker arrived today, and apparently I haven't got b/tooth on my laptop. can you d/load it, or will I have to send it back? Thanks
No, you can't download it as it needs a physical component. Almost all laptops have had BT for years, what is the make and model of yours? Failing that BT dongles are extremely cheap such as this User Recommendation
Its a Hewlett & Packard 17'', had it about 2 years from new, and when I typed in Bluetooth, in search at the start shell, bottom left, nothing came up mentioning b/t, unless looking in wrong place.
Try opening your network sharing centre and see if you have a "Change Adapter Settings" option. If you have, click on it and if you have Bluetooth software on your machine it will show up.
It depends what version of windows you have but I have Windows 10 so for that I open ' Settings' or might be 'System Settings' in yours then you will see ' Devices'. Under that for me is 'Bluetooth and other devices'.Then just enable it.
See if that helps you xx
RTaxron - that probably means you haven't got one. My HP laptop has one and I get that option, my HP desktop hasn't and doesn't show the option.
Following kvalidir's suggestion, if you can open your Device Manager (Control Panel > Device Manager) and extend the Network Adapters line, that will show it, if you have one.
## Following kvalidir's suggestion, if you can open your Device Manager (Control Panel > Device Manager) and extend the Network Adapters line, that will show it, if you have one. ##
Would you believe it.
I receive the dongle. inserted it, went to the above where it shows I have one now, and working, but still no sound.
Chris/bhg/kval....Checked volume control on customize, and when playing a video, but no luck :-(
Sorry Rtaxron, you're beyond my range of expertise now. I've only used Bluetooth for dropping music onto a phone to use as a ring-tone, so not a clue how to get your speaker to produce a noise. Perhaps this reply will catch the eye of someone in the know.
I don't know if you've got it working yet, but here's what I would check (assuming Windows 10, other versions may differ slightly):
1. Have you connected to the speakers? You mentioned you've now got the bluetooth adapter available, but you need to actually connect to the speakers themselves. Click the notifications icon, bottom right, then Connect, and the speakers should show up in the list. Click them to connect.
2. Once the speakers are connected to the PC, you need to tell it to use those for output. Left click the volume icon (bottom right), and you should be able to select the speakers there.