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Oh Dear...

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pastafreak | 12:38 Mon 25th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I've just been told "We have to start drinking prossecco NOW."
And so it begins...eeek!

Merry Christmas to all you lovely people ♡


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Wife’s on Buck’s Fizz. I’m saving myself for lunch at the pub later. Merry Christmas. Hic.
Happy Christmas pasta, Zacs!
I have under an hour to myself, then out to see my mum and brother. After that home & I will finish a roast off I've part prepared. Then I hope to just put my feet up with a few drinks and probably nod off! Twice Scrooge has been on ( Alastair Sim ) .. and twice I haven't been able to see it through to the end!
Happy Christmas Pasta, will have a drink later.
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I've just finished my first glass..trying to pace myself...
Yeh...right ;-))
How big is your glass?
Cider going down nicely, wine to come with grub in about 45 mins...

Merry Christmas to you & yours, pasta! :-) x
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Not big enough, mamya...which means I just need to have more glasses...;-)
Merry Christmas, Pasta......I won a huge...I mean huge....bottle of Prossecco.......and I don't drink it..... :-(
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Makes me burp lots, pasta....:-(

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Oh Dear...

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