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Cordless Hand-Held Vacuum Cleaner

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Bathsheba | 11:51 Wed 27th Dec 2017 | Home & Garden
25 Answers
Hi everyone. I am looking to buy one of the above, but would love to hear any recommendations or otherwise? I'm not wanting to spend above £59.99. Thanks.

x x


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8 mins, that's no good to anyone :-)
12:46 Wed 27th Dec 2017
Sorry to hijack the thread, Bathsheba, but how is your hip? Did you have an xray and is it any better now?
I have a Gram cordless. Not hand held but I believe they do one. It is ideal for me at the moment as I do not have to bend and good for getting up dog's hair, too.
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Hey Gill, no need to apologize, I welcome any opportunity to talk about myself! I went to A+E when promised letter from the GP never arrived, and I waited from 2.30 to 5.30 to be seen. I was given a bit of a poke about by a 12yr old female, and she said she was happy nothing was broken, I had badly sprained muscle and I was to just take ibuprofen. No xray. Was still in agony after another week, so went back to A+E and waited about the same time to be seen, this time by a male doc with a long daft beard, and hair in a topknot. Wait wasn't too bad cos for half of it I watched 2 senior nurses erect and decorate a Christmas tree. He sent me for a Xray but made it clear to me that he was only having it done to satisfy me. Xray clear and advice re Ibuprofen repeated. 6 weeks after the original fall I still need a zimmer to get around.
Thanks for asking ;)

x x
Good that your xray is clear but you still had a long wait before they gave you one as I did. Hope you improve soon. When they told me mine was a muscle they said about a couple of months.
I hope I will hear soon about hip op but they are now short of beds down here (what's new!). I'm still on a crutch in the house and roller thingy outside.
Hope you have a healthier 2018.
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Thanks Gill, but I'm not expecting any better than last year ;)
Hope you hear about your hip soon.

x x x

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