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1A 29A 1D 6D

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Angiehowe | 11:51 Thu 28th Dec 2017 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Can’t get going today so would like help with the 4 long ones please
1a 2words 6/5 high flier leaves this up to arrival possibly
29a 2 words 6/5 conventional sources of mathematical terms
1d 2 words 7/8 composer refurbishes Waugh’s main villa
6d 15 letters feature of 27 d opposite of fallen arches


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Vapour trail
Square roots
Vaughan Williams
Level headedness
1d Vaughan Williams
1d Vaughan Williams
1a vapour trail
wtg Margo ;-)
Thanks (I think) Dickie :-)) good morning all
Morning Margo.......solved and posted in 3 minutes. Takes some doing. I posted 1 answer and solved 1 more.........then gave in. :))
I happened to have just finished it Togo - so not turbo-charged, just brain in gear for once:-)
Haha as Dickie said though, Way To Go Margo.
Polishing my halo as we speak Togo!

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1A 29A 1D 6D

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