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Just One More .

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wendilla | 20:06 Sun 07th Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Definitely just one more .


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MM. And melv you got it .its a massive box of chocs 8 in a row and 6 rows and double layer . So I have sampled one row of 8 plus 2 I really like but I was good as I had not opened it from Xmas .
bags me the turkish delight and hazelnut whirl !!
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You can share my bottle of wine M M
Any coffee cremes??
I've got few of the horrible toffee ones left if anyone wants them? I'll swap for a hazelnut whirl.
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Yes 12 of them Sharon . 6 on bottom and now 5 on top
Whoa Wendilla, go easy!!
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These are all soft one called creative dessert
A moment on the lips.......
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Yes and an inch on the hips
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I don't even want another one now .
Pass em over. I am not worried about my hips!!!
It's interesting that all the posters seem be female! Personally,I'd rather have a can of Stella or a single malt.
What is it with women and chocolate?
There are a few men here, Mexican.

I was given some very nice chocolates for Christmas. I'm not a big eater of chocs, but just fancied one on Boxing Day. I went to get one and found an empty box. OH (male) had eaten the lot!

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