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highbury57 | 14:39 Fri 12th Jan 2018 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Social media ensures the cowards of the keyboard behave badly . Were they to speak to people in the office or street in the same way they would get a right handed. Ignore them! Playground bullies hate it.


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No argument there.

It's a similar feeling to the insulation and isolation people feel in their cars, which leads to incidents of road rage which would not occur if both protagonists were pedestrians.

The isolation and insulation of social media does play up to the nasty sides of some people - but, as with society as a whole, they remain a minority which we must always endeavour to work around.
Absolutely, safe in anonymity.
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Agreed but pedestrians on their mobile phones not looking where they are going.......

///they would get a right handed./// . . . . . . . . . . . . What?
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once more, eh? ps i would say that to your face too
There are some cowards who hide behind their keyboards, safe in distance and anonymity. Those very same cowards always play the victim when the tables are turned.

I agree that ignoring them is the best policy.
think that should read a right hander?
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Doesn't a Glesga kiss involve the head and not the fist?
To return to the original post - I've met quite a few ABers in 'fleshworld' (as opposed to 'cyberspace') over the years.

There were absolutely none who were more difficult in real life than on AB - most were pretty much the same in both places - but one or two (no names no packdrill) were significantly less abrasive over a pint than over a keyboard.

However, that's just my personal opinion - anecdotal, unrepresentative and entirely subjective - which is pretty much CB defined.
it does ^^
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Is the politeness getting a bit strained?
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It's always the generation we aren't in ourself that's to blame - strange that.


I talked to someone once - didn't like it much...
I must confess to not knowing what the term 'social media' means, and would welcome a definition. If it means communicating over the internet then AB is as much social media than anything else.
social media are networking sites - you can view, share, create social content.

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