Just had a call supposedly from BT checking whether my broadband was working OK. He asked all the usual BT-type questions, and I didn't think more than twice about it as I've had to have engineers out three times, the most recently yesterday; it seemed good customer relations to check up on it. The only info I gave him was my address. Could this have been a scam?
To be fair, the genuine BT call centres all ask for the first line of address, relationship to account holder, and will not proceed without them, which is exactly what he said. If the worst that happens is that I get a full spam box it's not a problem as I never open anything in there. But I'm not my usual sharp self at the moment; taking a cocktail of drugs following an operation. So my judgement was a bit flawed.
I give out my street address all the time; the most I ever suffer is the delivery of charities gift brochures. You've given away no important information. This doesn't sound like a scam to me, but as hc suggests, you could always call BT to check.