Hi all, has anyone ever suffered a heavy shoulder with neck pain and tingling fingers? i've had it for ages now and its driving me mad. sometimes my arm aches sooo bad. what is it? any ideas??
well i suffer from the kind of pain your describing and its all to do with my posture,the way i sit and my big boobs (which i;m sure won't affect you). I would go to your docs first to get it checked out but i have had acupunture in the past thats always worked - but as i go back to my old ways it comes back!
Oh well I get a pain in my chest and shoulder but I'm a girl so diagnosis that doc gave me cant be the same. I would just go to your doc because it could well be quite serious
oh fee-is -me , i sleep exactly like you,and wake with my arms above my head - how weird.! its so painful too, i woder why we do it. we should sleep together, we would look like a couple of bookends !!
sorry jsk, i have no idea - hope you sort it out soon . x
I've only been doing it for about a year, i think. I wish i knew why it happened. I find that *some* exercise can help, but when it's bad, nothing helps!
(fee sits in chair waggling shoulder while she writes)
this sounds like some of the symptoms of cervical spondylitis. I've had this for several years now, and although not disabling can be troublesome. See your GP and explain all the symptoms. He/She will probably refer you to a hospital for a neck x-ray. This will confirm one way or another what is causing it. This is a common medical condition that affects people to varying degrees.
JSK -- this happened to me last summer and indeed it was because of the way my desk was set up at work. Once I moved my computer to better eye level and stopped reaching far to use the adding machine, etc. it stopped. But do have it checked out for your peace of mind. Good luck.