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Oatmeal For Birds

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Mags22 | 11:00 Fri 23rd Feb 2018 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I know you can't feed birds oatmeal - but if I boil it, rinse and cool can they have it theN -have lots of it and don't want to waste it


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Can’t see a problem, I often give my chickens porridge in the winter.
11:08 Fri 23rd Feb 2018
Can’t see a problem, I often give my chickens porridge in the winter.
No need to cook it, in fact its best uncooked otherwise it can apparently build up and harden on their beaks.
According to the RSPB, uncooked oats are fine...but not cooked ones. My blackbirds love oats and keep coming for more.....
Don't give it to the birds, put uncooked oats into crumble toppings and cooked oats can be blended with a little salt and egg and cooked like pancakes although pigeons love oatflakes

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