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Syrian Air Strikes

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murraymints | 05:33 Sat 14th Apr 2018 | News
151 Answers
Air strikes on strategic sites just completed ...USA , UK and France led the way it seems...good thing ? What russian reprisals will follow ?


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Whose interests are served by the alleged attack?
Khandro... posting random conspiracy videos without provenance is hardly convincing is it? Watched, and dismissed, as more blockacks opinion generated media smog by those who need to justify their own place in the niggle jigsaw. Being suspiciously quick off the mark, by "finding" it making you even more less credible. A map that makes sense though will take 24 hours. Meehh.
In Assad’s view his intestests are served by these attacks. We might think from our perspective that it’s not a sensible thing to do, but the way he probably sees it: it’s all part of terrorising and wiping out his enemies. I’d imagine, if he was into that sort of thing, he’d compose a little ditty: ‘I owe it all to barrel bombs and sarin”. And of course to Putin, who we now know is a major player in chemical warfare himself.
//...not sensible...but it’s all part of terrorising and wiping out his enemies//

Got it: that's how Assad sees sees and weighs his interests, then. [

Just speculatively how do you think Army of Islam or whatever they're called sees weighs its, Ickeria?
Togo; //Being suspiciously quick off the mark, by "finding" it making you even more less credible.//
Believe me or believe me not, but I have never heard of Stefan Molyneaux until about 30 minutes before posting.
Regarding the pipeline route, you can find now much more info. on Wikipedia etc. This I first saw about three years ago, and much as since happened, but basically it still applies;
I wonder if the jihadis in this country will carry out the reprisals here, for what they see is an attack on a Muslim country?
There's definitely prophecy in all this, Theland. Ezekiel 38? Gog and Magog stuff.

"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the prince of Moscow and Tblisi, and prophesy against him,

And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, Russian prince of Moscow..."


Can't find any obvious references to Trump, May or Macron. But damn sure with enough time and patience they're there to be discovered. Does mention Tarshish. Tours, perhaps?
Yes the pieces of the puzzle are getting closer together.
The big picture is emerging.
Exciting eh, Theland? ;o)
No not exciting. Very sad. Any escalation means more death and destruction of innocents, and eventually our poor military getting dragged in. The British sons and daughters of British Mums. Very sad indeed.
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