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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:27 Sun 06th May 2018 | ChatterBank
114 Answers
Sunday. Yesterday was warm and sunny. I spent some time out in the garden, got the barbie going. Most enjoyable.

I'm being picked up a 1000 sharp, I'm told, going to Woodchester mansion. It was never finished, and is supposed to be haunted. It's not far away but I've never been there, neither had Vera, somewhere we always intended to visit but never did. Should be interesting.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Have a happy day lina xxxxx
bye Lina xx
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I'm going to make a move. Got a few things to do before I go and get the paper.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
bye boaty xx
Good morning all (yawning). Heavy night last night. Zzzzz.
Morning all, a little haze out there augurs well....cut 2/3rds of the grass yesterday, the lowest part left for Kim Can Mow today, where we had field water coming off the hill behind, down the lane and half of it streaming down the drive towards the cesspit some 100 yards plus down on the edge of the first field. The council are due this week to build a sleeping policeman with a ramp into the drive and then repair the damage around the gate.... Mr. Strim may come out later, certainly tomorrow.
Good morning everybody.
morning Arrods xx DT xx
morning Paddy xx
morning paddy....
Good morning all.
Blessed with another fine day, hope its good where you are too!
morning Chip xx
morning chip, looking good here, a tad chilly at the moment, the lawn mower (Kim Can Mow) out for a second day, Mr Strim to join him later perhaps and definitely tomorrow.
Friday we went shopping and I bought a load of barbecue food, charcoal etc.. Did the salads, sauces yesterday afternoon, asked OH to fire up the barbecue, it was then that he chose to remind me that we'd thrown it out at the end of last Summer as it was a bit of a mess! Why he didn't say this on Friday or Saturday morning I don't know!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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