The problem with the gang culture is that it appeals massively to children who have no sense of belonging, and no sense of self-respect, or respect for others.
Gang culture provides them with crystal-clear boundaries, a sense of a structured society, a hierarchy they can both obey and aspire to, and usually, more money than their wildest dreams.
The answer is simple in identification, difficult, and long-term in implementation.
The government needs to stop its ludicrous obsession with the notion that every child wants / needs / is suitable for a university education, and start ploughing millions and millions and then more millions of pounds into nursery and primary education.
Stop with the notion that small children don't matter - they are the foundation of the new society.
Stop employing young girls on minimum wage who think they quite like children, and get well paid professional motivated trained staff in to give children those values that they lack, or simply don't see.
The problem is, it's going to take about ten years for the fruits of such policy to reap rewards, and all governments are based on short-termism, and instant results. No politician wants to put policies in place that will benefit other politicians further up the line - they look four years ahead, and no further.
The bottom line - nursery children are useless to politicians, they don't vote - students and graduates do.
That's the answer - but don;t hold your breath for its realisation.