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What A Day!

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Caran | 23:57 Sun 13th May 2018 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
OH decided he wanted to go out. I suggested Monmouth car boot.
I'm not feeling too chipper at the moment so said I need to get my mobility scooter going. Took ages to get it out of the shed and assembled.
Disaster, battery flat. Put it away. I said I'll do what I can at the car boot.
Drove there, hundreds of cars parked. Not the car boot, some walking club.
Car boot was yesterday. Came home and started to tidy shed!


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Oh dear - you would have been better resting till you felt better.

Posted that thread for you on the other thread (if you get me)
I thought that it was usually me who didn't know which day of the week it is ;-)
Curious as to know how you would get a mobility scooter to fit into a car, assuming you could lift it. I certainly couldn't.
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You are not on your own Chris. I a man permanently confused what day it is. I have to keep looking at the daily paper to see what day it is.
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Jackdaw they break down. You leave the seat off until you want it.
Must be a different type. Mine is fixed, I can hardly drag it let alone lift it.
Don't forget to charge the scooter Caran.
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It is already in charge lozzy.
Do you live near Monmouth Caran?

Used to have an Aunty and Uncle in Ross.
How does a disabled person go on if their scooter runs out of power and they are far from home, can they get a recovery service?
I only know as a friend has one she pays yearly subscription to mobility rescue just the same as you do a car .

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