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We Won.....

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gness | 22:31 Thu 17th May 2018 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
...the pub quiz can tell our film and TV buff is back with us....
The applause for the winners is getting slower and less enthusiastic each week so.....
We are having a week was either that or not try to win.....and no way was I having that.......

Two more bottles of plonk in the cellar... :-)


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Pub quizzes can attract 'pub quiz bores' - the giveaway is that they call their team the Dead Parrots, and are seriously earnest and take it far too seriously for their own, never mind anyone else's good.

If they lose, they get really nasty about it, as though winning is their right, and it can spoil the fun for everyone.

On our cruise holidays, there is a team quiz at 10:30, general knowledge, teams up to six, and we usually find a team to join, or to join us, and if we win, great, and if not, who cares.

There was a Music Quiz in the afternoons this time, on sea days, I went in for six of them, and was a 'team' on my own, and I won all six! I would do, it's my passion and my profession, and fortunately no-one got hissy about it, but I could see that if there were more, and I kept on winning, there could the sort of attitude I mentioned earlier.

I think the trick is to not take it seriously, do your best, and ride out the looks and mutterings, it is for fun, and life is too short to get het up about it!

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Hi, Andy....I do have fun...don't take it too that bit's a my best til my brain hurts.....never get het up......but oh, I do like to be on the winning team!...x
Emoji's are a lazy comeback.
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Mmmm.......I'm feeling relaxed and lazy...on the sofa...drinking wine and curling my toes....what more do you want!....x
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In truth.....I don't mind not winning a pub quiz....I do mind if we don't do our very best....that frustrating feeling when it's on the tip of your tongue and you can't quiet spit it out....

I do like winning the jackpot though!
Are you using tongs or is the wine acidic?
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Amazing!!! This wine was quite acidic! How did you know?...x
It's curling your toes....

Unless you are using tong's.
Our quiz is getting very samey, two men from the same team take it in turns to do the questions and their team always wins! They put about 25% as pop music and TV, I'm going to do it one day, and there'll be a maths round!
My uncle won a pub quiz prize of £100. The four of them decided to put £50 towards drinks and the rest on Lotto Lucky Dips. When they checked the Lotto results, out of 50 lucky dips (it was a £1 a go then), they didn't have one number matching any of them. Not one on any line. Good innit?!!!
Nice one gness! :o}
Pub quiz team names? How about
The Four Mustavbeers?

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