The vet has advised that we get our male cat neutered to stop him roaming (after an emergency visit following an encounter with a car) - realistically, how long will we need to keep him inside the house (I presume he will have to wear a cone of shame). I need to think through the practicalities as we use the conservatory as a living room so tend to have the doors wide open in this weather + the kids are in and out of the garden.
Thanks all - won't be for at least a week as he's traumatised from this weekend. Just wanted advice on the practicalities of keeping him in without shutting all the doors.
My female cat had to go back to the vet's surgery to have the stitches removed after she was neutered but the three boys didn't. I seem to recall that they were all meant to stay inside for a day after their ops but that they had other ideas and were quickly back to exploring outside anyway (with no ill effects).
Thanks all - he's still sulking after this weekend's visit to the vet despite a bag of prawns, a shed load of home roasted ham and way too much attention from the kids
Male cats don’t have stitches after castration. He should be given a painkilling injection and a shot of antibiotics. Unless he shows a lot of interest in the area he won’t need a ‘lampshade’ collar. He will be back to normal the following day but may just be a bit subdued.
Just a thought, has it been checked that both testicles have descended?