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We Actually Had Some Rain!

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Caran | 22:35 Sun 01st Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Very humid, overcast, it rained for all of two minutes, very lightly, so sparse I could almost count the droplets on the conservatory roof.
Soon returned to humid and overcast.
Temperature still over 30° though.


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I woke several times in the early was hammering down. It continued until mid morning. By the afternoon everything looked as dry and crisp as ever...and it felt even more humid.
Could do with a cloud burst here, Caran.
are you upt north or down souff x
We (S W Hants) had the lightest of sprinkles for all of a few minutes - we did get that delightful "fresh" smell which accompanies such occurrences, but as far as doing any good, no hope.

I too could count the drops on the car roof.
Question Author
Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire mallyh.
Ooops, should read S E Hants.
thankyou x

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We Actually Had Some Rain!

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