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The Ultimate Fail.

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AZardoz | 05:21 Mon 09th Jul 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
14 Answers
Won't he be protected, like Daniel in the lion's den?
Looks like a total lack of, (shall we say it?) FAITH !

Happy days; it's Green.
Look at the specs ... that sucker can do 160 if the unfaithful get rowdy.
Let's listen to George, the man who cuts through all the garbage:


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He's going green. The lord helps those who help themselves.
Nothing worse than a Pope blasting his emissions all over the crowds in Saint Peters Square!

Pass the air freshener!
One for his Muslim brothers.
You really didn't have to wait 7 years to tell us about the Popemobile's green credentials.
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I had no idea. Just found it.
However, the point was the bullet-proof cage.
Sensible after earlier assassination attempts, yes.

Are you perhaps suggesting those who are leaders of faiths should chance walking in front of trains or juggernauts?
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See my first sentence.
Gaseous emission proof? Step in the right direction for the old fart
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Just about to answer 'cos I thought it was about the Chequers agreement.

Noticed in time that the OP is not in the right category for that.
Ah, read the link. See what this is about.

From the article:

"Pope Benedict XVI is to enhance his green credentials by taking delivery of a hybrid Popemobile that will allow the pontiff to drive for miles without emitting any emissions."

Is that for real, or just a lot of Papal bull?
It was true seven years ago, as the article is that old.
Damn! (pardon the language)

It's Francis now, isn't it?
It is.

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The Ultimate Fail.

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