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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:29 Fri 03rd Aug 2018 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Friday. It's been raining again. I wasted my time watering the garden last night.
Such is life.

M y niece never had her transplant. The organs were not fit for purpose. I went and picked her and SIL up and brought them home. Niece slept on the back seat all the way home.

Not a lot to do today, which is just as well!

Have a happy day everyone.


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especially cash in hand !
Morning WBM and all. Long drive today - good job I`ve got air con in the car. Nice day for it though
morning 237 xx
anywhere exciting SJ?

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Morning SJ xxx Where are you going from and too?
I'm going from SW London to down near Mevagissey. Still haven't decided which way to go - probably M3/303/A30. Not till I`ve had a pot of kenyan tea though. That comes first!
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Looks like a good plan to me.
my stops are from the farm shop at odium, to the Greyhound in Wilton, the Nobody Inn in Doddiscombeleigh (8 miles from Exeter), Chagford Inn (for brilliant steaks) and the Oxenham Arms South Zeals.

Do you know the trick for Stonehenge - come down that long hill where the airfield/industrial estate is, last roundabout before that 2 mile stretch up the hill towards Stonehenge, turn right.....

Next roundabout turn left, through Larkhill on 'The Packway' and then take the next left onto the B3086 and back down to the A303 - can avoid those awful queues at the end of the dual carriageway and neck-craning past the stones.

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Poota is having a touch v of the vapours, so on my wee kindle.
Odiham not odium...
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I know Larkhill very well. I was stationed there in the early '60's.
looks like it may going to nip out and get back grass cut...speak later xx
I doubt I`ll stop - don`t like breaking a journey once I get going. The 303 can be a pain - I wish they would make it dual carriageway all the way - I think they`ve talked about it but they talk about things for years in this country before anything happens.
have a good one minty, must go and get the kettle on - carer number 2 in an excellent day to all.

If you want any recommendations, SJ let me know....the Lugger (watch the typo) at Portloe is nice, a lovely location, the Ship Inn up the village for crab sarnies used to be good....On the Roseland, the Kings Arms at Ruan Lanihorne near Tregony, the Wheel at Tresillian just outside Trurra.... Boaty has been to those last two watering holes.
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Going to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone xxxxx
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I have indeed. Both Very good.


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