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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:20 Fri 07th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
Friday. I've got friends coming to lunch today, Most prep done. They are arriving at 1100. I'm aiming to dish up at 1200. That's the theory anyway, if that's how it works out it'll be first! :o}

Just been feeding Tiggy 2. He/she tripped the security lights, then hid in the bottom of the hedge until I came back in. We'll get there! It's a bit cool out there this morning.

Have a happy day everyone.


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morning paddy
'orrible to watch Jack !
rarely see magpies now, few w.pigeons, small birds all gone. There are 4 constant water troughs - good job am not on a meter
Jack..did you look at signal extenders for wifi ?
It may be just a north country thing but there were superstitions about magpies. if you saw a pair, that was fine, but if you saw a solitary one then that meant bad luck. The only way to ward off the spell was to doff your hat or touch your forelock and say,"Good morning, Mr Magpie, how is Mrs Magpie?"
some rooks but not as many as the farmer on the other side of the road used a LPG gun to keep the birds, esp. the pheasants off his crops a couple of years ago. It scared the rooks off but those thicko pheasies just carried on pecking. Otherwise, robins, jays, a couple of finches around - and a sparrowhawk up the road that resides on a telegraph pole.
I did, MM, but too complex for me. Will need to seek further advice.
you can get those that just plug in Jack ! can't you ask the warden or someone to help ?
am not shooting as I dont need cash crops but the jams will be off this year - that'll please cake baker DIL who aint impressed with my organic produce, only she prefers sanitised shop produce!
time to be moving, the carer here and Trurra beckons....have a good one, all.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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