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cyber security

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bertiemje | 21:34 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
hi.can some one please lap top has down loaded a program called cyber security and i have read that it is not good. can any one help me to get rid please


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I love that girl :0)


Assuming you're on Windows.............start..........set program access and defaults......change or remove on the little sod and uninstall, as the lovely AB said.
Yeah, just like Anniebody said

( i knew that, i knew, i did'nt!! )
Question Author
it will not uninstall that way
No it wont.. you'll have to find the folder where the program is located (prob c:/programs/cyber...) and delete the whole folder.
If it says you dont have permission to do so (and it probably will) go to and download a free program called "Unlocker"
Now go back to the file, right click on it and select remove with unlocker.
bertiemje wont uninstall my method, or the link that Anniebody sent you?

Why dont you post in "Technology"..........someone there may have first hand experience on this type of program and be able to help you......................hopefully Chuck 'IT God & Lord of the Cyber Wave' Fickens and some other good peeps will see it.

Good Luck..... sorry we could'nt help.
Nice one, daymurphy :0)
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It is a digital world, and we have bee connected like a village, and that's why everyone benefits from advanced cyberdefense programs. At an individual level, a Cyber security ( can result in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of essential data like family photos. The protective measures against cyber attacks are cybersecurity. There have been launched many ecstatic and comprehensive solution as we can outpace all of the difficulties that are associated with the cyber crimes.

Many government sectors are really doing something tremendous steps to reach the cybersecurity in every door. The building of cyber-security into applications is critical in addressing such risks, as well as all the devices that are interconnected from the very beginning. In this article, we are going to highlight the emerging technologies that will boost the security of information systems from being compromised by hackers.

We also should have basic ideas regarding the cyber security as we can avoid any possible complexities while using the web.

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