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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:45 Tue 25th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Tuesday. The sky is clear and there is no wind blowing. It's cool outside, but still nice enough for an early morning stroll. Not a lot of wildlife about though.

Nothing on the calendar, so an easy day, but that can change!
I think I might have a wee look at what's going on on the canal.

Have a happy day everyone.



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builders here ! best go and direct ! be back later xx
Morning all, bright here but still a bit chilly. A tad of frost still about in the shade where the sun has'nt got to it.
Same downunder Tony, but, it's warmth on the horizon for us.
Goodbye winter ;-)
Minty, nice early start for them, remind me what you having done. Should finish my decorating today, although it's a volunteering day for me at local community garden. Would'nt normally matter if I gave it a miss, but normal coordinator is on holiday this week, and he left me with a verbal list of jobs to do. So need to go even if just to pass that on,but knowing me, will probably end up staying for the morning.
Plus (starting to wake up now) I've collected empty cardboard boxes from local co op that need putting down as a weed suppressant before the farmyard manure goes on top on a couple of beds.
yes ozzy, do you go traditional for Christmas lunch or go el natural with a barby?
A mixture Tony.
Served traditionally.

What's your Christmas lunch like?
Always traditional and enough to keep us going for a few days afterwards. Have to start the morning by making sure Rudolf has had a bite of carrot, Santa's had a bite of his mince pie and he strangely always drinks all of his glass of port.
good morning one and all
Boaty, i work in Legal but mostly in admin, im not qualified. but a few days a week i can bring files home to work on them and take them back another day.

This is a new thing my Company is trying, we used to be office based 5 days a week but i m liking this new scheme.
Darcy I agree. Working at home is normally more productive, with no outside office interference plus you save on travelling time and expenses, and can get on with a few household things as well.
Win Win for both parties IMO

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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