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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:57 Wed 10th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
Wednesday. Cloudy this morning, but not too chilly, so could be a nice day. I hope so, got some out and about to do. Might tackle the back hedge too. Might!

My Grandson dropped in yesterday evening. It was lovely to see him. He paid his skydive money, then we had a good old natter over a cuppa. Always good to see him.

Have a happy day everyone.


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bye Boaty xx
yes I have to be moving too....have a super day, all...
bye DT xx
Missed you whilst "checking my tackle" DT. Carp fishing. Sweetcorn is the bait for today methinks. Home grown at that.
scaffolders go supervise..see you later..Tight lines Togo ! xx
Yeah ready to move myself now.....See you later.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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