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Tilly2 | 19:47 Thu 11th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Tiger Nuts?


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Don't think that I've ever heard of them.
Warning for those of a sensitive disposition
LOL ^^^^^^
I remember them from the 50s. 2d a bag from the corner shop. As has been said, they were very chewy but almost indigestible and would last for ages.
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Just a bit of a blast from the past.
//Just a bit of a blast from the past. //

Yes Tills...…..they took a lot of time to digest. :))
After his then-Mrs got at him, I doubt even Tiger remembers them.
re rowanwitch's link ... i didn't realise that tiger nuts looked like a camels face until now
As has been pointed out above, tiger nuts are not actually nuts. Neither are peanuts or ground nuts, both being légumes.

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