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Gmeb Stand In.....

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seekeerz | 04:27 Mon 22nd Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
111 Answers
I fear our intrepid boaty is caught in cyber space somewhere or has mislayed the big 'ammer he uses to knock sense into his computer .....either way he's not with us so far and the morning is tripping past ...

Good morning to all, hope the day goes well for you ....


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bye boaty xx DT xx

morning Kva xx how did it go Thursday ?
Hi Minty that's a Yes, so that's one thing at least:) Few other issues though, but nothing negative that's really important (to me anyway) x
will do hangouts when home from shopping Kva xx
Okie doke catch you in a bit x
need to get dressed and run round Tesco ....see you later xx
morning all again, its a more appropriate time to get up, than the 5 o'clock that i did this morning. Could be a nice day by the looks of things, though it is still early
Good morning all.
Morning Emmie, morning Danny, looks like it'll be nice here too as well x
morning danny how are you today, many have departed to go about their business but it's too early to think let alone to do much..
I'm still sitting here in my dressing gown drinking tea and thinking about getting my *** into gear. Got to go to gym then get some shopping, after that.... who knows.
good luck with that, i have no plans for the day, but am waiting for some important letters, which have taken awhile to get to me, so hopefully they come today.

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