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Caran | 00:45 Sun 28th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
We had snow today for about four hours, it didn't stick but some of the flakes were quite large.
Reminded me of what is to come this winter. A bit depressing really.


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Put my heating on for first time this season. It looked beautiful out, lovely blue skies but Lord was it cold.
Same here in West Yorkshire , blue skies and sunny but very nippy.
Gulliver,not according to BBC Weather.!!!!
W. Yorks. was very, very cold yesterday. E. Riding today is sunny and much milder - but with occasional heavy showers of mixed sleet and hail!
Sorry Denton, meant to post that one under Jokes.
It’s my favourite kind of weather here today. I like it bright but don’t like the heat of summer
No snow but a heavy frost this morning, coupled with brilliant sunshine.
We had horizontal snow Saturday morning and had to drive to Northumbria University for 10 am. When we left around 4pm it was a totally different day,bright and sunny. Today we have a very hard frost and bright sunshine,glorious in fact.
White with a heavy frost last night. Looks beautiful this morning with the moon still up out to the N.W and a clear blue sky with the sun shining bright orange. Try and get out and enjoy it for an hour or two. Going to be a cold November according to the weather soothsayers.
We will be out having a tramp around the woods when Mr T gets back from his dental appointment. In the meantime, I'm drinking tea and wasting time on here.
The plan here Tills is to take a drive up to the summit of the Great Orme, the views are magnificent on a day like today. "She who must be obeyed" has been laid low with a stonking cold for the last 2 days, so a long walk may be a bit ambitious. A sit in the sunshine may be the best option.
it's beautiful here in the capital, radiant sunshine, though very cold.
A nice cafe in LLandudno would be a better option. :-)
There is a café with a bar on the summit Tills...… with a bar.
Two bars?
Just a reiteration Tills. :))

In case You missed it.
Have a lovely time, in the solitary bar. :-)
We may nip into the Cottage Loaf in Llandudno instead Tills. Sit by the log fire with a glass of probiotic, magic, lemonade.

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