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maggiebee | 17:16 Sat 10th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
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Shopping earlier in Lidl's I was disappointed that I didn't meet one person wearing a poppy. Feel quite sad about this


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Well, I could see Mamy's reply was aimed at Chris...because I actually read earlier posts!
Sorry Prudie (“It was neither offensive nor racist but a relevant comment”) - to impute warlike sentiments to the Germans over either the 1st or 2nd Wars is most definitely offensive to almost all living Germans. Remembering is one thing; going all Basil Fawlty is something else.
I am very disappointed in Buenchico's comment as he has always been very helpful to me on AB. Whatever condition he may or may not have, there is absolutely not reason to be offensive to the volunteer who had given up his time to sell poppies. It's just not acceptable, whatever the charity. I've been on the receiving end myself in the past, and it's such a shock when someone is rude. They must have very unhappy lives (imo).
Must be down to interpretation then bb, I just saw it as hc saying as it's a German supermarket why would they make a thing about poppies. Similarly I wouldn't expect my local Chinese take-away to wear them either. Just a factual thing - although there could now be a good chance some poster will tell me how the Chinese contributed and how offensive I am :/
The Chinese Labour Corps were used to dig trenches etc on the Western Front.
I'm interetsed in the idea that the staff in a supermarket at least, should be wearing their poppies. That wouldn't be right would it? It has to be personal choice and no one should be made to wear one, not even BBc newsreaders, but they get so much abuse if they dont that its easier to do so.
Pete65. Thanks for stepping in re. the Chinese, who made huge (long forgotten) sacrifices in the first war.

(And incidentally bravely fought the invading Japanese in the 30s and 40s).
// (And incidentally bravely fought the invading Japanese in the 30s and 40s).//

My Mandarin teacher said at one time - oh was there fighting in Europe as well ? - clearly her view was the Pacific War ( completely different in concept and execution) was the only war.

Why are the Japanese like Interior Decorators
because they have plastered the Chinese
( yes boys and girls - an original 1939 joke)
25% of the area of China was under Japanese occupation at the peak.

Now - Peking was occupied and what happened to the europeans? they were all interned under the usual crip conditions - except the French - now why would that be?
Fall of France - they (Petain Vichy) concluded a secret treaty with the Japanese which led to the French population not be interned. They were allowed to march into French Indochina
You heard it first from me

I always donate, respect the silences and give my thoughts to those who died.
I don't feel the need to wear a poppy.
// although there could now be a good chance some poster will tell me how the Chinese contributed and how offensive I am ://

no I would put it as ignorant actually - I dont know what I would do if some bright spark commented after deep thought - "what did the poles ever do for us - they're russians arent they?"
The Beeb illustrated the muslim contribution to the Great war with headstones which were Sikh. I pointed out they didnt like each other and often tried to kill each other. This was in the week that the muslim taxi driver refused to carry poppies - he couldnt have known the Ottoman empire ( full of muslims) was involved in the fighting.
Then the Beeb took the view supported by Seamus O'Reilly professor of something in Dublin that there were no men serving from Ireland - there were - in things called Irish Regiments. 186000 served in the 2WW. Then the Beeb illustrated Shell Shock ( PTSD 1914 style) with film from Craighockhart that is well known to be notoriously forged.
(there are before and after clips - but the people in the background are the same showing they were made on the same day).

so it has been a bad week for truth and a good week for fake news
FGS. Ignorant means I didn't know but I didn't say one way or the other so how do you know what I know? I said I didn't expect the Chinese to wear poppies - and my comment about offensive was aimed at a completely different thread a few weeks ago that really ticked me off when that insult was aimed at me..
We will soon need a receipt from the poppy sellers to prove we have contributed to the poppy appeal .
I don't wear a poppy. Nor do I wear the stickers that some other charity collectors give out when you donate. Doesn't mean I don't care or think about what it all means.

I actually don't like the idea that every person appearing on tv around now seems to be coerced into wearing one.
Our Lidl has a poppy seller sitting near the exit door.
All the staff are wearing poppies.
I wear an enamel poppy brooch on one coat and a proper poppy on another.
If the company you work for wants its employees to wear a poppy during working hours, you wear the poppy and if it is not what you want to do, think of the conscripts and put up with it.
Just occurred to me that I've not 'bumped into' a poppy seller this year. Not ever happened before.

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