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Would It Be Unconscionable Of Me To Ask My Gp For A Double Prescription...

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sandyRoe | 09:06 Fri 16th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
... in case medical supplies are disrupted in the aftermath of the present political brouhaha?


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You're all heart, sandyRoe.
09:42 Fri 16th Nov 2018
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I think some pro brexit people have become so paranoid that a simple question about securing necessary medications is seen as a subtle dig at the entire process.
I'd certainly enquire, sandyRoe. Doctors may know which medicines could be in shorter supply than others. (Chemists may also know, since they know where the drugs they sell come from.)
Europe takes more medicines from us than we take from them, so the EU will find a way to sort it out.
Just what are all those EU countries that make and supply us with medicines and everything else going to do with them ? They will still need to sell them to us after Brexit or they will go out of business. It's scaremongering !
Got a big notice in my Docs asking people not to order double for Christmas because chemists will be open over the holidays . Don't suppose they would be too happy if all started asking for extra meds because of brexit.

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