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yrneh1938 | 10:44 Mon 19th Nov 2018 | Technology
5 Answers
i would like to do a system restore
but it only goes back to 22 oct
i want to go back further than that


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I've had to do this two or three times, and used F11 while the laptop boots up. Buenchico might see your post, though, and give you more detailed advice....
1. Start your computer.
2. Press the "F11" key within the first three seconds of the boot process.
3. Click either the "Non-Destructive System Restore (Recommended)" option or the "Full System Restore (Destructive)" option.
4. Follow the prompts to restore the system.
5. Restart the computer when prompted. sure to select the "NON DESTRUCTIVE SYSTEM RESTORE" or you will lose all your files.
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ta for info
tried a few times what u said no luck
w7 chrome browser
Are you sure you need a restore ? What is the actual issue you're trying to solve with it ?
Are there earlier saves ?
What if you go back to 22nd Oct, and retry, do earlier saves get offered ?
Otherwise you could back everything up elsewhere and reinstall Windows from scratch. Followed by reinstalling all the programmes you had, once more.
i agree with Old_Geezer plus your system will feel more zippy, you dont say what os your using win 7 8 10 but for what it's worth have read

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