You made a mistake and lied to feel better about yourself. If any of these people are genuinely nice people, get them on their own and apologise for that and tell them you realise you were stupid and see if things improve. If they aren't nice people and are dazzled by money and nonsense you've lost nothing, but I appreciate things will be hard for you at your age. Try to find other friends, there will be other disenfranchised 8th graders make no mistake, and lear from what happened. If things are bad elsewhere and you did it as a bit of an escapism trip, try to find something less damaging to you personally to take your mind off things, and remember nothing lasts forever, before you know it you'll be an adult with all sorts of different problems, but I don;t think there's anything 'wrong' with you, you're just a typical 13/14 year old, so don't beat yourself up about it x