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Julee | 23:22 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
The trailer for next Monday's Cutting Edge programme (the 31st July '06) contains a very jaunty accordion piece which I have been trying to identify for a long time.
I think it may be accompanied by a violin or cello (maybe?)

Hearing it again tonight has led me to enquire here! Would anybody know what it is please???? Pretty please??!!! xx


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This is a bit of a guess but I think it's by Philip Glass and I also think it might be some of the music he composed for the film Koyaanisqatsi.

I was watching TV earlier tonight with Mrs R and she also thinks it might be by Philip Glass.

If it isn't by him then try the works of Michael Nyman who writes similar stuff.
Sorry Julee!!! Having listened to clips from the Koyannisqatsi soundtrack, this isn't the one!

But we're definitely in Philip Glass/Michael Nyman/Steve Reichs territory.

There is another thread asking about this music. Check it out� someone might get there!

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Music advertising Ch 4's

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