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Mail Online

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SparklyKid | 10:17 Sun 09th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Every morning I read the Daily Mail on line. It appears to be the newspaper of choice by the majority here.


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So do I and I don't feel the need to excuse myself - it's clear, easy to load and navigate and has lots of pictures and is entertaining and covers essential news. I don't get my political opinions from newspapers anyway and am perfectly capable of recognising and ignoring any wailing articles, it's just a magazine website.
11:22 Sun 09th Dec 2018
Not mine, it isn't.
Have heard it called the Daily Wail many times. Not one I personally read.
Not my choice either. Even if a free copy was delivered to my door it would go straight in the recycling bin unread.
So do I and I don't feel the need to excuse myself - it's clear, easy to load and navigate and has lots of pictures and is entertaining and covers essential news. I don't get my political opinions from newspapers anyway and am perfectly capable of recognising and ignoring any wailing articles, it's just a magazine website.
Pretty much like prudie said. I also read the N.Y.Times, and the BBC news site.
The DM isn't a newspaper - just a sensationalist rag with stories based on very little hard fact.

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