I am 58 and for the last 12 months have been having tests to see if i have coeliac disease.The problem is i don't feel ill on an ordinary diet,but when i eat gluten free diet i feel more and more ill.A biopsy and blood test both show i have it.Is there anyone else like me who feeels well off the diet but ill on it ?
If you are still having tests to determine if you have coeliac disease then maybe you actually have an allergy to something else.
My dad is dairy intolerant and when he first started drinking and eating soya he got very ill, turned out he was allergic to soya.
The Coeliac Society can offer all kinds of support and advice and operates a helpline 0870 444 8804.
This message board may give you some help and support
.I found that just cutting out dairy foods but eating normally otherwise keeps it under control.A lot of it is trial and error with certain food.
Do you have a practice nurse at your GP surgery with whom you can discuss this..she may be able to advise you.
Hope you soon feel better ..good luck.
Sorry about two posts ..they need a shilling in the meter.