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Baby Crying

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genie123 | 23:17 Fri 21st Dec 2018 | Family & Relationships
29 Answers
My Granddaughter who is 3 1/2 months old cries and cries. If she's not napping or feeding, she's crying. We do all the usual things, feed her, burp, make sure she's clean and comfortable, but still she cries. She just wont be settled. Hold her, try distracting her with toys rocking, anything we can think of but sadly in the end she just has to be put down and let to cry it out, but it can take a number of hours. We thought it might be colic although there is no real pattern but we tried some of the remedies, but to no avail. She does sleep quite well at night so we don't think she's actually in pain. We are at a loss, any ideas would be much appreciated.


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Have you got a 'bouncy chair'? This sits the baby up so that they can see around them -better than being on their backs all the time. I'm probably going to get flack for this but putting a baby in a bouncy chair in front of soe banal thing on the TV like Pepper Pig sometimes fascinates them as does a washing machine -not for a prolonged tie of course. Aslo fresh air if weather permits. If the baby is quiet on a night I would hazard a guess its boredom during the day.
Orange juice rings a bell here. A couple of days after I'd given birth I ate some oranges. I was breastfeeding and something in the oranges seemed to upset my baby. He'd been fairly placid up til then, but that night he cried and cried. I cut out the oranges which helped.

It was later on that his longer-lasting sleeping problem started.
^^^ ignore spelling mistakes all I want for Xmas is an edit button :-D
Sort of loath to post because it's probably not relevant here, but; when I was a babe in arms I cried a lot. GP dismissed it. It wasn't until I passed blood that the doc took it seriously. Might be worth getting a check-up.
If the baby is sleeping at night its more likely to be boredom during the day.
" she just has to be put down and let to cry it out, "

Correct and that is the best way....babies cry for all sorts of reasons, some valid and others myths.......many made up reasons with no scientific or rational basis.
14 week old baby..........that's what they do......if she is gaining weight and feeding well....then no big deal.
I know a child who was prescribed Ranitidine )( no idea of dose) for digestive problem and that helped. Letting them cry for hours - No.
If bottle fed there a special teats which seem to help windy babies.
Try changing her milk, she could have colic.

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