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Predictions For 2019

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weecalf | 14:20 Sun 30th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
My prediction for 2019 will be ,a well know soap which says it reflects real life will actually mention Brexit . What’s yours ?


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EastEnders will still broadcast every episode where one character shouts, argues or fights with another character, mainly shouting.
Why do people still watch this guff - it's so depressing it should come with a health warning.

Further predictions are:
Emmerdale - Mandy Dingle returns.
Corrie - Jim MacDonald returns.

In real life - 2019 will be just like 2018 - rotten to the core.
2019: Brexit breaks Britain.
Christmas day falls on December 25th.
Passive aggressiveness will remain to the fore on Answerbank with a hefty dose of unsolicited opinion given by the collective, as the collective.
Milk monitor will be promoted to senior prefect or, dependant on performance, head girl.
Gowns will be worn at all times during sessions to bolster authority.
Meghan will have twins or if not be delivered of a baby well before the expected date of delivery.
She will take the products of conception ( children) to the US of A and will refuse to return to the UK. Besotted Harry will follow her causing a major rift in the Royal family.

The sun will rise in the morning, and set in the evening.
A 3 year old horse will win the Derby. Unfortunately my crystal ball is a bit cloudy at the moment and I can't see its name yet.
Scotland will start charging for Health care , prescriptions and education.
The UK universities will shorten the length of courses by reducing the vacations .
High street shopping will be replaced by out-of-town retail unit parks
The three tier education system will make a come back .
Seaside towns in the UK will see a new lease of life as more people stay here instead of going abroad.More jobs for the locals.
leicester city will win the fa cup for the first time in their history
well that prediction went well :-(

You should have waited until the end of the match, Ael. :-)
Civil war in a European country.

The usual aggro will continue on AB, and will most likely increase as the year progresses.

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