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Dr. Who Helped Discover Ibuprofen Dies At 95

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Patsy33 | 19:18 Fri 01st Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
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Thought sqad might be interested!
It is very interesting reading actually..
LOL...I have read it Patsy, thanks.
oh my goodness, I thought you meant sqid for a moment.
Yes, it was, Patsy. I read it earlier. I had never heard of him before.
Sqad's in mourning.
Sqad* blimey I'll get used to this phone eventually, I have no beef with you sqit.
good me-too drug
does anyone remember Butazolidin ?
mainstay of anti-inflam for rheumatoid in the sixties ....

( caused quite bad sodium retention )

sozza long word alert - - bit late here I suppose was phenylbutazone...a red tablet that was often given to race horses before a race to enhance performance.
Was withdrawn because of an unacceptable incidence of blood dyscrasias.
Was an excellent anti-rheumatic.
Question Author
I like the way he tested it on himself. Even for a hangover!..
when i read this yesterday, i did have to check the article to make sure this doctor wasnt an ex pat!
my mother - thanks hadnt recollected PBZ - used to er give it to the dog ....
who was also arthritic - she had rheumatoid

dog was OK - they dont tolerate ibuprofen and may need metoxicam - acailable on internet for mucho money
Question Author
Reading the title again, looks like I'm talking about Doctor Who! Lol..
R.I.P to to the fella, its being a real mixed bag today with folk passing over and Birthdays.
No offence was meant toward DR. Sqad, I've had to take Ibuprofen for an injured back in the past, we know its his favourite prescription but I wasn't taking the rise.
"Dr. Who Helped Discover Ibuprofen..."

I didn't know William Hartnell (or was it Tom Baker?) invented Ibuprofen. :-)
Patsy, that's how I read it, How clever of Dr Who, thought I
I think it was the lady Doctor. ;-)
Yes, I know this is a bit pedantic, but I'm surprised at the use of the word "discover". To my mind, you discover something that already exists....this guy helped to develop the drug, as it didn't exist.
Fleming discovered penicillin but didn't develop it because he believed isolating the antibiotic agent in the required quantities would prove extremely difficult.

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Dr. Who Helped Discover Ibuprofen Dies At 95

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