News2 mins ago
Greek Yogurt?
16 Answers
I'm trying to focus on healthy eating. Trying to have meals that contain protein, fibre and healthy fats. I'm told to keep away from low fat yogurts that a laden with artificial sweeteners. Confused as to buy full fat or low fat greek yogurts. Too much choice in UK supermarkets. Which is the healthiest to choose?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Skyr yogurt (plain) is fat free & very low sugar.
https:/ / eventio ood-nut rition/ healthy -eating /a20501 955/ice landic- skyr/
Milk has natural sugars (lactose) this should make the yogourt not too bitter.
"No added ingredients, This Yogurt contains only Milk's naturally occurring Sugar (Lactose), Contains: Organic Milk, Packed in a Dairy that handles Nut ingredients, Contains the following Live Cultures: Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Streptococcus Thermophilus"
From yeo valley natural organic greek yogurt
"No added ingredients, This Yogurt contains only Milk's naturally occurring Sugar (Lactose), Contains: Organic Milk, Packed in a Dairy that handles Nut ingredients, Contains the following Live Cultures: Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Streptococcus Thermophilus"
From yeo valley natural organic greek yogurt
Rather than give yourself stomach ulcers by worrying about what you're eating, why not eat what you like in moderation. The "experts" change their minds so much about what's good for you and what isn't that they make fools of themselves. At one time eggs were bad for you, then butter, then fat; then they change their minds and all these things are good for you. Ignore the lot of them, keep an eye on your weight and you'll survive happily.
Not suggesting you purchase from Sainsburys, but if you click on a particular product, will give you all the nutritional values. Hopefully this will be some help.
https:/ / insbury /webapp /wcs/st ores/se rvlet/S earchDi splayVi ew?cata logId=1 0123&am p;langI d=44&am p;store Id=1015 1&k rypto=Y HvDIbND aB28%2B NF9AKYC PfwXPkH DH%2F3s 8qw9MNF kdLvxAm F6Vp7Sc nc11Amr j60DIja 62ZX8W2 VVq4yNO dsSfdig %2Fg8EW FcTJYo9 jD1yHYI TJvfNSn c9BOhBo WIK%2F6 Bvb0BXY n9%2FaO macmtVz rPnYtD% 2BiuZEe dsNyGCN BxzmujM %3D#lan gId=44& amp;sto reId=10 151& ;catalo gId=101 23& categor yId=&am p;paren t_categ ory_rn= &to p_categ ory=&am p;pageS ize=36& amp;ord erBy=RE LEVANCE &se archTer m=yoghu rt& beginIn dex=0&a mp;hide Filters =true&a mp;cate goryFac etId1=
If you are asking about natural (unflavoured) yogurt, the only sugar is that which occurs naturally in milk (lactose). Full fat yogurt will generally have exactly the same sugar content as its low fat equivalent. There are no artificial sweeteners in unflavoured Greek yogurt. Delta full fat contains 5% fat and 3.8% sugar, whereas Delta 2% contains 2% fat and 3.8% sugar.