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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:59 Fri 08th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
135 Answers
Friday. It's tranquil outside this morning. It's stopped raining, but everything is wet. I'll check on Tiggy III when it's light enough.

Some running around this morning, to ASDA in Quedgley for some shoplifting and fill the car up with petrol, they are the cheapest in the area. After that I have no idea.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Yes, I've heard those before. Still good though!
Morning all. Short day for me and then a surprise 40th birthday party to go to tonight.

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I'm going to make a move and try and beat the rain we are expecting.

Have a happy day everyone.
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Morning LCG xxx Just in time! :o}

Who's the surprise for?
And you WBM.
Morning Lady CG
morning CG xx

bye boaty xx
morning cyber friends. hope you all have a good and safe day today. weather is rather damp and breezy down here, as it was yesterday. not very pleasant at the mo.
have to dash, see you, folk, have a good one....
morning lady xx bye dt xx
One of my husband's close friends, WBM.

Morning DT and Minty. All well? xx
all good is wee sausage can't believe he is 1 now..are you feeling better ?
off to explore outside. bye for now. xx
Good morning all.
bye lady xx morning Danny xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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